Ongoing Services

Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly Cadence of Services

What you can expect on an ongoing basis:

The specifics of your services will vary depending on whether you’re on our Entry, Elite, or Elevated service package, but they all generally follow this cadence:

How We Work With You Each Month


  • Bookkeeping

    Each month you will receive reports and requests from your bookkeeper, so they can keep your books organized and up to date, and make sure you’re getting paid for all the work you do. Even though we take care of the heavy-lifting, you’ll need to review and respond to some questions. Requests generally tend to go down the longer we work with you.

  • Monthly Calls With Your Account Manager

    Each month, for clients on our Elite and Elevated packages, we schedule proactive advisory calls. This is where your Client Manager helps you look into your business and find ways to improve your cash-flow and profitability. For clients on our Entry package, we don’t pre-schedule calls, but you always have access to your dedicated accounting team to ask questions at no charge.

  • AR, AP, & Payroll

    For clients who have opted into our accounts receivable, or accounts payable add-on services, we process payments once a month. For payroll services, we process on your agree-upon wage payment schedule.


  • Financial Statements

    Interior design businesses alway have inconsistent revenue because of the nature of project-based work. That’s why we report and review your financials on a quarterly basis.

    At the end of each quarter we deliver an updated Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement so you can review the health of your business and make informed decisions.

  • Sales Tax Filing

    For most clients, each quarter we calculate, file, and pay your sales tax obligations. Depending on your State and situation, you may be required to file monthly.

*Larger firms or high-volume firms may want to choose our Elevated package in order to receive these services on a monthly basis.


  • Tax Planning & Filing

    Many of our clients have an established relationship with a good tax CPA, but we connect those that don’t with one of our tax partners for tax planning and filing services. We recommend meeting with them at least once in the middle of the year, and once in December. We will prepare whatever documentation or reports your tax professional needs.

  • 1099’s for Contractors

    In October, we send a preliminary list of all qualifying vendors for the current year. In January, a final list will be submitted once your books are closed for the year and 1099s will be sent to all your contractors.

Let's see the process on our Case Studies

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