The Top 5 Interior Design Trends for 2023

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    As we move into 2023, there are certain design trends that are gaining popularity and will most likely be brought up when talking with potential clients. Here are our top 5 interior design trends for 2023. Please note that the list is not a ranking so the order is completely random.

    1) Trends in Colors

    Olive Green Wall Interior Design Trend for 2023

    In the past few years, more and more people have been ditching the commonly used white walls in favor of something that’s a little more unique. We’ve seen an increase in the popularity of olive greens, darker shades of grey, and even black. Different colored walls with gold accents are especially something that we’ve seen more and more of.

    White and very light grey used to be popular because they brightened up rooms, but nowadays with newly built houses having more windows for natural light, people are finding that they can experiment with different colors to personalize their homes without compromising much on lighting.

    2) More Natural Light

    More Natural Light - Interior Design Trend for 2023

    As we mentioned above, people are requesting more and more windows throughout their homes in order to bring in natural light. From more windows to entire walls of the house being swapped to glass, people are finding ways to make their homes feel brighter.

    With many research studies (like this one) showing that sunlight plays a critical role in hormones and vitamins in our body, 2023 will definitely prove to show an increase in clients looking for more natural light in their homes.

    3) Health and Wellness

    The aspect of incorporating health benefits into the house isn’t limited to just more natural light. Clients have been asking more and more for fitness rooms, saunas, high ceilings, indoor foliage, water filtration systems, and increased ventilation throughout the home.

    This trend especially picked up after the recent virus scare as people spent more time at home and wanted a way to maintain their health and wellness while spending most of their day at home.

    4) Return to Curves

    Curves and Circles - Interior Design Trend for 2023

    You may have seen images of modern-looking homes with sharp corners, no clutter, and a minimalistic feel. We’ve seen a decline in requests for that style in exchange for curves and rounded edges throughout the house.

    Besides the obvious benefit of not bumping your ankles against a sharp corner in the dark while heading to the kitchen for a late-night snack, rounded edges make a home feel cozier as well.

    5) Gold Accents

    Gold Accents - Interior Design Trend for 2023

    Gold accents throughout the house has being increasingly popular, especially as wall colors start to change. Gold works really well, especially with black walls, olive green walls, and blue walls. We’ve seen gold being used as accents on the wall, on cabinets, and in paintings. This is definitely a trend that we can see growing popular throughout 2023.

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